Everything you need to know about sandsiv+
Hint: Click or touch images in articles to grow them to their original size. Click or touch again to shrink them back.
- Quarantine logic: new configuration options
- Matrix Questions
- Anonymized surveys
- DIGI theme 'preview' mode
- Survey State and Substate
- New vs Legacy Exporters
- Internal Modifications Tracking
- Store/Mine/Classify/Visual data sources access and filtering
- Virtual Sources
- Recoding (Recoded Variables)
- Upload data
- Uploads list and actions
- Insight Narrator
- Data Labelling in Mine
- Dictionaries
- Queries V2
- Queries Labeling ("QueryLabel" feature)
- General Information
- General Information
- What is VoC Classify
- Validating Classifier Accuracy
- Multitopic Classification
- General idea of categories and types of classifiers
- Classification process concepts
Visual (v1 Legacy)
- How to display 'Response rate' into the dashboard
- Own Groups filter
- Using custom [DATE] columns
- Dashboard Filter
- General Information
- What is VoC Visual?
General Questions
- Adding a survey link to SMS invite/text
- External ID - What is it and how is it used?
- How to export questionnaire links using Custom Exporter
- How to use HTML elements in question text in DIGI channel
- Inviting customers to a DIGI channel survey via SMS or WEB
- Reminders