In order to use VoC Hub API, it is necessary to provide Authorization credentials for each request. In VoC Hub API, an authorization via JWT token is implemented. There are three ways of retrieving a personal JWT token for your user account:
Retrieving JWT for general testing purposes
It is possible to retrieve a JWT token for testing purposes from the browser's Developer Tools. Please follow these steps to get the JWT token:
- Open Developer Tools in your browser (Ctrl+Shift+I for Chrome, Ctrl+Shift+E for Firefox).
- Go to any page of VoC Hub.
- Navigate to Network tab
- In the list of the requests, find a request called "user_info". It is located in the beginning of the list.
- Once you find it, click on it.
- In the Preview tab of the opened window, you will find the field
- This is the needed JWT token that can be used for Authorization.
Retrieving JWT via About Page
Another way of retrieving the token for temporary testing purposes. The JWT token can be found on About Page. Go to:
https://<VoC Hub URL>
Then copy the token from the field "<account name> token":
Retrieving JWT via Access Code
In case there is a need to establish a permanent integration with VoC Feedback via API (e.g., for daily automated API imports), it is possible to acquire JWT token from Access Code.
Access codes are issued on the request basis separately. In order to get Access Code, please contact SANDSIV+ Support.
When you receive an Access Code, you can acquire JWT token via the /acquire-jwt
endpoint by passing the Access Code as the parameter to the request. The API request looks like the following:
GET https://<API URL>/acquire-jwt/?ac=<Access Code>
In the response of the request, there will be a JWT token, which can be used to perform further requests to VoC Feedback API:
"token": "<JWT Token>"
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