In this article you will find a description of the sentiment column Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA), released in 12.0.1.
What is ABSA?
ABSA stands for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis and is in essence a more granular way to analyse topic classifications using Sentiment. Until now Sentiment could only be analysed within the entire verbatim, even if there was a mix of positive and negative, e.g. "The line at the store was very long, but the staff really made my day".
ABSA identifies and assigns the relevant sentiment to each topic within a verbatim (text), e.g Waiting Time: Negative; Staff: Positive.
Let's say we have one text with 3 topics. The additional column "ABSA" will contain each of these topics with the evaluated corresponding sentiment value. Here is an example:
With this option activated, you can then visualise the information with Visual and also export it from Store.
Here are more examples of how the visualisation of the sentiment with ABSA can look like:
How to activate it?
1) Go to TopicAI (under the AI module) and apply the desired Topic Set to a target source by clicking on "Apply to source" in the Action list of the Topic Set. If you don't have a Topic Set, you can easily create one by clicking on "Create Topic Set".
2) Select your target source and text column, and switch on "Sentiment". This provides out-of-the-box sentiment classifications to your text cases.
3) Switch on "Multi topic", and then fine-tune your settings by defining the accuracy threshold and topic count.
Accuracy Threshold: Defines the accuracy of your Topic matching with a text-case from 0-1. (0= low, 1= high).
Topic Count: Defines the max number of Topics that can be assigned to a text-case. A lower accuracy threshold (max 5).
4) When you're done, click Save. The system will automatically start classifying your target source with multi-topic and sentiment classifications, and providing ABSA insights.
5) In order to see the results, you can visualize them in the Visual module, or by exporting the file.
In Visual, you can select a new column labeled with "ABSA". Selecting this will provide you with a column with the following:
topic 1::SENTIMENT 1, topic 2::SENTIMENT 2, topic 3::SENTIMENT 3
Impact on sandsiv+ Modules
The ABSA column is:
- available in Store when downloading the source from the Upload/Survey List.
- available in MINE queries as an Attribute filter
- available in VISUAL for analysis (grouping, drilldown etc)
- available in Exports as an additional column
- not accessible in Virtual Sources
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