Release date: 13.06.24
Highlights of the release
VOC Feedback
VOC-12916 - On survey list page, it wasn't possible to view the full survey title when hovering on it.
VOC-12002 - DIGI pop-ups that contained Configuratble question with Custom Select render type or Date question weren't displayed correctly in Internet Explorer and occasionally in Google Chrome.
VOC-13533 - Search feature on Import History page was improved to display more accurate results.
VOC Mine
VOC-13521 - System was returning error when running a query with Correlation/Occurence tabs if query was based on a Virtual Source with Fixed value in text column.
VOC-12914 - When creating a Topic Set, it was not possible to mark the topic with selected check-box after pressing on "Reset" button.
VOC Visual
VOC-13490 - It wasn't possible to select metadata value from a "child" instance in metadata filter of a "corporate" instance's gadgets.
VOC Visual V2
VOC-13237 - Added a possibility to remove first condition in Metadata filter.
VOC-13507 - Added a pop-up that warns about unsaved changes in dashboard when a user navigates to another platform module.
VOC-13517 - "Save" side-bar in dashboard will be minimized by default when dashboard is being edited.
VOC-13542 - Source labels in "Select data" drop-down were repositioned to the right side of the sources list.
VOC-13551 - Size of favorite dashboards buttons was reduced.
VOC-13280 - When importing dashboard from Visual to Visual V2, gadgets with "Percentage" option enabled had more fractional digits in values then in the original dashboard.
VOC-13326 - Table charts on dashboards exported to PDF had smaller width than on dashboard themselves.
VOC-13478 - It wasn't possible to turn off sorting of NPS and Scalable columns in table chart.
VOC-13513 - Text in Media block wasn't wrapped correctly.
VOC-13516 - Users without "Editor" access to a dashboard were able to edit Media blocks in the dashboard.
VOC-13537 - "Records" counter was not displayed in table chart with 'Just show' math function applied.
VOC-13541 - After value in metadata filter's condition was removed, "Save" button became inactive and made it impossible to save the gadget settings.
VOC-13560 - "Quarantined" and "Blacklisted" questionnaire states weren't available for visualization in gadgets.
VOC-13561 - Visual V2 menu item wasn't highligthed in side menu when users accessed it.
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