Release date: 21.06.2018
Highlights of the release
- Brand new Recode Variables functionality
- More smooth user experience at the VoC Feedback Import History page
- Enriched DIGI channel API with custom metadata passed as parameters
- Minor bug-fixes
Known issues
There are no known issues in this release
Fixes and improvements
VoC Feedback
- [VOC-2337] Improvement: Static Survey Link is now in monospace font for better readability
- [VOC-4315] Improvement: Import History page was enhanced and "Add Import" popup window was redesigned for more smooth user experience
- [VOC-5103] Improvement: Added new system column Import ID for referring to certain made import at Import History page
- [VOC-5107] Improvement: ID property (which meant Group ID) at Surveys list page was renamed to Group ID to avoid confusing with survey Channel ID
- [VOC-5010] Improvement: Info section with a comprehensive explanation of questionnaires' statuses was added at Statistics Results page for each channel
- [VOC-5015] Fixed: Validation warning message in DIGI channel popup survey didn't disappear
- [VOC-5024] Fixed: In certain cases, Care Alert based on a classifier cannot be triggered. Also sometimes it wasn't possible to edit created earlier Case Alert based on a classifier
VoC Store
- [VOC-2332] New: Recode variables functionality was implemented in VoC Store and added to Uploads and Surveys List pages within Action section
- [VOC-4881] Fixed: For certain cases, uploads could not be shown.
- [VOC-5025] Fixed: Notification message about finishing generating a file with upload errors could not be removed from the notification area.
- [VOC-5028] Fixed: In case of upload is being in "In progress" state it was possible to append file to this upload using API
- [VOC-5064] Fixed: In case of certain amount of uploads were hidden and the "Show hidden uploads" option was switched off, the navigation menu wasn't displaying the correct page of the uploads list
VoC Mine
- [VOC-4615] Fixed: Added languages to VoC Store Upload new file page which were missing
- [VOC-5033] Fixed: Lemmatas couldn't be created within certain executed queries
VoC Classify
- [VOC-4307] Improvement: Minor change to the text of classifier reprocess message if some category was added or deleted
- [VOC-4970] Improvement: Survey appliance details are now more informative
- [VOC-5038] Fixed: In case of incorrect encoding of text cases uploaded for pre-classified training, certain amount of them was ignored
- [VOC-5041] Fixed: Empty rows in an upload file wasn't ignored in the classifier appliance process.
- [VOC-5048] Fixed: For certain surveys, classifier appliance was hung in pending state.
VoC Visual
- [VOC-5013] Improvement: A more informative error message was added when a count of metadata values selected in "2nd Group by" in Super Gadget exceeded a maximum allowed amount of 300.
- [VOC-4300] Fixed: For certain scenario chosen Group by value in Super Gadget was set as "Null" (undefined) on the backend side and it didn't allow to build Super Gadget if 2nd Group by option was chosen
- [VOC-4950] Fixed: Sometimes when you tried to add Super Gadget you couldn't do that and got 500 Internal Server Error
- [VOC-5049] Fixed: In certain cases GET method for Uploads endpoint in VoC Visual returned 500 Internal Server Error
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