Release date: 18.10.2018
Highlights of the release
- New IVR reminders functionality was implemented for IVR channel of VoC Feedback.
- Abandonment trigger was introduced to DIGI Channel.
- A new metadata type URL where the user been invited was delivered for DIGI channel surveys.
- A new possibility to select NPS_SEGMENT for a Scalable question as a column in a Virtual Source.
- New custom color sets were added for Super Gadget charts.
- Various bug-fixes across VoC Hub.
Known issues
Fixes and improvements
VoC Feedback
- [VOC-5490] New: Reminder functionality was added to the IVR Channel.
- [VOC-5804] New: An Abandonment trigger was added to the list of the DIGI pop-up triggers.
- [VOC-5805] New: new metadata type "URL where the user been invited" was added to the DIGI Channel.
VoC Store
- [VOC-2489] Improvement: A new enhanced algorithm for file upload was introduced for better user experience.
- [VOC-5810] Improvement: An ability to select NPS_SEGMENT column as a source column was introduced for Virtual Sources.
VoC Visual
- [VOC-5722] New: a new set of custom color sets was added to Advanced Settings of Super Gadget.
- [VOC-5359] Improvement: An ability to display Table chart's columns in the same order as they were selected in Super Gadget's settings was introduced.
- [VOC-5498] Fixed: In case a new drill-down dashboard was created, the message "No data" appeared in a child chart.
- [VOC-5546] Fixed: Table chart resulted in Internal Server Error in case a column with Classification result was reordered.
- [VOC-5746] Fixed: In case Group By Quarter or Group By Week options were chosen in Super Gadget, chart legends weren't sorted correctly.
- [VOC-5761] Fixed: In case of building a chart against QueryLabel with no text cases available, Super Gadget failed to be built.
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