Release date: 29.04.2021
Highlights of the release
- A new possibility of collecting data from social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc) for further use inside the VOC HUB platform. The integration is possible as managed service, please contact your manager on the SANDSIV side for more details;
- A new set of system placeholders that can be used inside Case Alerts templates and VOC ACT tickets;
- The drop-down rendering of Configurable questions for DIGI channel;
- Tooltips in VOC FEEDBACK import history that show the total/processed/failed records for particular import;
- Improved the customization of DIGI survey buttons (Back, Next, etc);
- Quality of file changes to Co-occurrence and Correlation sliders in VOC MINEV2;
- Added the ability to configure the default "question error text" message in Global Settings
Known issues
- [VOC-9693] Fixed: The "Help" widget now becomes hidden in all Hub areas after pressing the minimize button
VoC Feedback
- [VOC-9806] Fixed: An option to create a new external ID when blacklisting a customer has been added
- [VOC-9853] Fixed: The problem with updating CATI and VOC Act settings when the feature is Enabled has been eliminated
- [VOC-9858] Fixed: Now, the system checks for the next valid SMS Gateway automatically after failing to send a survey using the first one
- [VOC-9747] Fixed: The limit on a number of characters in the input "Go to the page" has been removed
- [VOC-9711] Fixed: Selecting the state "not answered" in a survey Customers tab now returns a valid data
- [VOC-9802] Fixed: The problem with import failing when CATI invite flow is disabled has been eliminated
- [VOC-9794] New: Dropdown field type for configurable questions in DIGI surveys has been added
- [VOC-9376] New: An option to set a default language-specific "Question is required" error message in Global Settings has been added
- [VOC-9649] New: A separate settings tab for CATI has been added to Global Settings and Survey Settings
- [VOC-9680] Improvement: Columns titles in VocACT settings tab have been refined
- [VOC-9820] New: New placeholders have been added for the system values: Questionnaire creation time, Questionnaire start time, Questionnaire end time, Import ID
- [VOC-9756] Improvement: Tooltips to the icons on the Import History page have been refined to show totals
- [VOC-9664] New: Now, button elements in DIGI survey source have unique IDs
- [VOC-9634] Improvement: Sender Address email validation has been added to the Language-specific settings
VoC Store
- [VOC-9654] Fixed: Now, a file with text formatting can be uploaded normally to VoC Store
- [VOC-9809] Fixed: The problem with using space in a social upload title has been eliminated
- [VOC-9811] Improvement: Additional query info has been added to the "Update social source" pop-up window
- [VOC-9735] New: "Update social source" icon has been added to the Uploads List actions
- [VOC-9251] New: VoC Store API integration with external social networks grabbers has been added
- [VOC-9570] Improvement: Now, when creating a new Virtual Source, columns are being populated automatically based on the original source
VoC Mine
- [VOC-9775] Fixed: "Default_date" column remains selected when editing a query filter
- [VOC-9660] Fixed: Now, the sensitivity selection remains when switching between Co-occurrence and Correlation screens
- [VOC-9611] Improvement: Classification result now displays in the list of data under Text Details in Mine V2
- [VOC-9695] Improvement: VoC Mine query building has been optimized to work with a higher load
- [VOC-9659] Improvement: A dynamic tooltip has been added to Mine V2 Correlation and Co-occurrence Sensitivity slider to indicate a minimum number of cases
VoC Visual
- [VOC-9488] Fixed: Now, dashboards are being sent only after the process of cache rebuilding was finished and show the actual data
VoC Social
- [VOC-9835] Fixed: Sync import is now successful when language is not specified
- [VOC-9826] Fixed: The problem with double click causing an error in "Update social source" window has been eliminated
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