We're currently investigating issues with write-related operations such as creating new gadgets in VoC Visual, uploading new data to VoC Mine, changing existing gadget settings in VoC Visual, etc.
We apologize for the disruption in the service and will keep you updated on the status of this issue.
Update (Feb 5, 2018): This issue was investigated and the root cause was identified. Please see the description below.
Beginning January 26, 2018, ~04:05:00 CET our storage subsystem used for data backups started to malfunction.
Our VoC Hub database server, in turn, misbehaved later that day due to storage subsystem issues in a way that it wasn't possible to perform write-related operations. This was caused by a backup script which was unable to reach the storage subsystem to store the backup files and blocked the write operations for VoC Hub analytics applications. Once the issue was identified, VoC Hub database server was brought back to normal operation mode at ~13:18:00 CET.
We've also applied measures to restore our backup system functionality but after some unsuccessful attempts we've switched our systems to another storage server. The backup system is now operating properly.
Please note that we could not find any evidence of existing data loss or corruption. Aside from a short window of time where VoC Hub didn't accept write-related requests for VoC Hub apps, no other parts of VoC Hub were affected. All queued data write-related operations such as file uploads were processed successfully once the database server was brought back to normal state.
Even though SandSIV doesn't observe a necessity to restore any data from backup copies right now, backup files themselves are safe and are not affected as well.
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