Actual from release 11.12.0
Reminder email (WEB, WEB-to-DIGI) is sent when the conditions of reminder email settings for survey (or in Global Settings) are met. Please refer to the article in our Help Center for more information on reminder emails setup & functionality.
Reminders work with all channels: WEB, SMS, IVR, DIGI (WEB-to-DIGI, SMS-to-DIGI).
Important note: Reminders work for the following questionnaire states: Invited, Started, Not answered (IVR).
New reminder setting changes will be applied to new questionnaires only, the old ones that are not in final state (Invited, Started, Not answered) work with previous settings in this case.
Let's assume that in our per-survey settings we have set up Number of Reminders as "2", Time before first reminder (in hours) as "24" hours and Time between reminders (in hours) as "24" hours. “Number of Reminders” is a number of sent reminders to one questionnaire.
Actual from release 11.14.0
There is a new POP-UP message implemented for manual reminders.
This message informed you when the "Maximum count of reminders is exceeded" while you trying to send a manual reminder.
The "Maximum count of reminders" is configured in "Common settings-->Common Options-->Number of reminders".
Two possible outcomes in behavior.
Time Slots disabled:
If Time Slots are off and invitations allowed to be sent 24/7 we have following case. If the import was made on Sunday, e.g. October 11 and the questionnaire Invitation time is 4 PM the first reminder will be sent on October 12 at 4 PM (after 24 hours pass) and the second reminder will be sent out after 24 hours from previous reminder on October 13 at 4 PM.
Time Slots enabled:
If Time Slots are enabled and doesn't allow us to send invitations during weekend but the import was made on Sunday, e.g. October 11 and the questionnaire Invitation time is 4 PM the Invitation date will be rescheduled to fit Time Slots configuration. The reminders will be sent based on Invitation date in this case.
Basically, if first invitation goes at 9 AM on Monday, October 12 and i.e. Time Slots don't allow us to send invitations on Sunday but send invitations on Monday starting from 9 AM, this will result in first reminder at 9 AM on Tuesday, October 13 and second reminder at 9 AM on Wednesday, October 14.
- The count of days starts from the invitation time (Invitation date) for not started questionnaires or from the date of the last response (Start date) to a questionnaire for not completed questionnaires.
- Reminder emails are sent out only for questionnaires in ACTIVE surveys.
- Reminders work for all channels: WEB, SMS, IVR, DIGI (WEB-to-DIGI, SMS-to-DIGI).
- Reminders will not be sent if the address or customer is blacklisted.
Reminders via SMS/IVR
For the SMS and IVR channel, number of reminders, time before and time between the reminders are also set in the Common settings -> Common options of the survey settings.
There are 2 cases when Client may receive a reminder:
1. Client didn't start the survey:
- Client received an SMS with the survey and didn't open/start it. After the time set in the common options (time before first reminder), Client will receive another SMS with the same link to the survey. In case the number of reminders is set as more than 1 - Client will receive an SMS as many times as defined in the survey settings. Please note that there is no extra message that goes with the SMS, Client will receive the same SMS with the link to the survey as was sent before.
- Client received a call but ignored it. In this case, if the reminder is set in the common settings, Client will get another call after the specific period of time.
2. Client started a survey but didn't complete it:
- Client received an SMS and started the survey, but didn't complete it. In this case, if the reminder is set, Client will get the last question that was not answered by him/her in the survey as a reminder.
- Client received a call and started the survey. In this case, there won't be a reminder. This record will get a "terminated" state.
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