Creating an Impact Bubble chart
Impact math function allows creating a special kind of a Bubble Chart showing the main drivers of dissatisfaction in the customer base and what kind of priority is needed to give to the change management process. The bigger and the farther to the right of the chart the bubble is - the bigger impact on overall customer dissatisfaction the fact displayed by this bubble has. Thus, it should be the number one priority to grasp and fix problems related to this exact fact.
To create a nice and informative Impact Bubble Chart, you should choose a source column to build the chart against. You can select a Scalable/NPS column if you use survey as a data source or column of NUMERIC/NPS type for uploads/ virtual sources.
- In the Math function field select Impact function and choose a bubble chart for the chart type.
- Apart from this, Bubble Charts need to have Group By and Second Group by fields filled.
- The only way to create a proper Impact Bubble chart is to select a recoded variable based on the data chosen in the "Select column" field or relevant NPS_SEGMENT for the first Group By option. Thus, the chart will analyze the extreme values within the same distribution.
- For the "Second Group By" option you can select any metadata available for the chosen data source in addition to recoded variables and other source columns.
Note: in order to get a correct Impact Bubble chart it is important to group them by columns that have both extremely negative and positive NPS SEGMENTS or relevant recoded variables values.
The example of the Super Gadget settings that will allow building an Impact Bubble chart and the chart itself is below:
With the settings you see, the gadget will look the following way both in Visual and Visual V2:
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