User Groups (<Own Groups>) combine two VoC Hub features: SSO User Groups and the <Own Groups> metadata filter in gadgets.
SSO User Groups are the kind of entities that should be assigned to VoC Hub users in SSO that depict their level of access to clients' data in your organization. Also, User Groups allow sharing dashboards with the whole group of users assigned to some User Group instead of sharing dashboards one by one. For more reference on dashboard sharing, please see this article.
The <Own groups> filter in its turn allows separating access to data in gadgets between users who have general access to VoC Visual and the dashboard in particular.
In other words, if you want VoC Hub users with access to VoC Visual to see only data related to them only (for example, you want one CX management team to see data related to their field of work only and don't see data associated with other teams), you can use the <Own groups> filter in VoC Visual.
A high-level overview of how User Groups work
For the filter to be applied correctly, two conditions should be met:
1. Records from an import file or upload should be imported along with the metadata column which contains a User Group that should see questionnaire data for a particular record.
2. This exact User Group from the import file/upload should be added on a system level by the Support Team so that VoC Visual users assigned to this group would be able to see the data related to their CX management team.
When a user accesses dashboard with "Own groups" filter applied, the system checks if he/she assigned to any group and if there is data for this exact group, i.e. if there are any records that have this user's Group value in the metadata column you've filtered a dashboard by, and displays data relevant for this user (CX management team, Head of CX management, etc).
Setting User Groups on the SSO level
To start with separating access to your clients' data, the necessary User Groups must be added to the SSO in the first place. Please, contact SANDSIV+ Support and supply us with a list of User Groups that should be added on the SSO level.
Creating users in SSO with required User Groups
Then, when User Groups are all set up in the SSO, they can be assigned to the new or existing user accounts of your VoC Hub instance. Thus, in case there are User Groups set for your instance, please provide us with the name of the User Group that should be assigned to each new user that is created.
For example, if a user Jane Doe with email address jane.doe@example.com should have access to data related only to **CX Team #1** User Group, this information should be stated along with a request on creating a user account.
Note: one user can be assigned to any number of user groups. If the user needs access to the data of all user groups then in the request you need to ask for "All Groups" access.
Importing/Uploading data with columns that contain User Groups
When User Groups are defined and setup and all necessary VoC Hub users are assigned to relevant User Groups, you can start importing/uploading data to VoC Hub. Please always remember to include a metadata column that contains correspondent User Groups values.
Here is the simple example of user group usage:
Metadata column "USER_GROUP_TEST" contains three user groups: CX management team, Head of CX management, and Customer Service. The metadata column that contains User Groups can be given a title of your preference.
In case of a more complex organization's hierarchy, there can be more than one metadata column with User Groups in each import file/upload.
Note: you can start importing data to VoC Hub before User Groups are set up for your instance. Even though the <Own Groups> filter requires Own Groups to be set up to work correctly, it will separate access to historical data after they are set up as long as historical data contains a metadata column with necessary values.
Setting proper filters in VoC Visual.
Applying <Own Groups> filter to your gadget doesn't differ from the process of applying other type of metadata filters. When a gadget is set up, you should go to its Advanced settings and activate the Metadata filter. In the metadata filter, choose the column of the data source that contains User Groups (from a previous step) as a fact, select a comparison operator, and in the Value field, select <Own Groups>, and save the gadget.
Settings for gadgets:
In its turn, these settings can also be applied not only on gadget level but on the dashboard level as well. Use a dashboard filter when the metadata filter must be applied to all gadgets in a dashboard:
Following the example above, after Own Groups filter is set, and all questionnaires from the import were completed, the users that belong to CX management team, Head of CX management, and Customer Service will see results related only to the relevant questionnaires in the same gadget.
Users of CX management team User Group will see the only one record:
While those who assigned only to Head of CX management group will see two records different from that CX management team users see:
In the same gadget, users that don't belong to any of the User Groups presented in the import file (or those who don't belong to any User Group at all) will see No data message:
Users that are assigned to All Groups will see all results:
Worth to mention that:
- User Groups aren't connected to VoC ACT departments but only to VoC Hub.
- Generally, any column can be used as a target for user groups until it contains corresponding User Groups values set on SSO level. For example, in case you use multiple languages in surveys and want to separate results for different user groups who should work with relevant data from their language group, a LANGUAGE column can be used. In this case in the metadata filter you need to choose LANGUAGE -> Equal -> Own groups.
- The application of filter doesn’t restrict a user from creating a new dashboard where there will be no filters. In order to make our filter feasible, we would recommend requesting VoC Visual Read-only access to users, who are not supposed to edit dashboards, otherwise, users with Read/Write access will be able to edit the dashboard filter.
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