Released in 11.14
Multilingual surveys allows customers to choose their language before starting a survey. With a simple configuration using conditional flows, you can add "Language Change" as an action type and redirect the customer to their language of choice.
To configure your survey as Multilingual, please follow the following steps:
1) Create a new question and choose "Configurable" as the Question Type.
2) Insert your question text, and in the configurable options, input the desired languages that can be chosen by the respondent. Configure the rest of your question and click "Save".
3) Click on the "+" symbol of the Language Change question to create a conditional flow
4) Use the action "Change Language" and choose a language from your list of options defined in step 2.
5) In your condition, choose "Language Change" as the Variable, "Equal" as the Condition, and choose the Language that the survey will be in "Value"
6) Repeat Steps 3-5 for all other languages. Don't forget to translate the question text and configurable values for your languages. You can do this by navigating to the language drop down on the top right.
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