Sometimes you want to limit the amount of text the customer may provide within an open questions answer field. But in such cases, the customer might not know about this limitation.
You can enable a special character countdown which will be automatically displayed as the customer begins to type their response to the open question.
How to enable
In order to enable the character countdown for the question please scroll down to the "Configurable Values" section on the question editing page and enable character countdown as shown in the screenshot below:
Make sure to check "Show character countdown". The upper boundary for the number of characters is derived from "Highest value" field.
Please note that "Character countdown text" is optional and is not required. "Character countdown text" is appended next to the character counter. Please make sure that this text makes semantic sense next to the values of the available amount of characters.
Here's how the character countdown looks in a survey when enabled with "Highest value" set to 500 and "Character countdown text" set to characters remaining:
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