Each invitation in VoC Feedback is called a Questionnaire. A Questionnaire is created when an Import file was successfully processed where the given Survey was mentioned in the Survey column or if the Survey was specified through GUI.
Here's an explanation in context of Survey flow what each of the states means either in GUI within the Customers tab or in the resulting Export file:
- When a correct Import file was successfully uploaded and successfully processed, a Questionnaire is created for each row with address within the Import file
- After a Questionnaire was created, a special scheduled system process goes through each of created Questionnaires within Surveys with active state and sends invites to customers changing the state of the survey to invited. Usually this happens within a minute.
- When the Questionnaire invite is sent to the customer and he/she:
- WEB: clicks the link
- SMS: answers with the response/trigger word
- IVR: answers the call
- When the customer has completed the Survey either by answering all the Questions or by hitting the Finish Survey type within the Question flow, the Questionnaire is considered completed.
- If the Questionnaire expiration date hits and the Survey doesn't have any Questions answered at that point in time, then it's considered expired, but if there is at least one question answered and the expiration date hits then the Questionnaire is considered partial.
Please note: partial questionnaires are displayed as aborted in VoC Feedback Exports. - If one or more of these situations are triggered:
- the Survey is using Terminator type of Questions and during the Question flow one of them is reached by the user
- the Terminate button (can be renamed) is enabled and user clicked it
- the Question flow is set to terminate the Survey after some condition is met and that condition has been triggered
- if customer receives two surveys at one number via SMS and answers to any of them (both will be Terminated)
- In IVR channel state terminated defines a Questionnaire where a customer hanged up (dropped) the call or never answered (missed the call) or answered the call but dropped it during a Survey. Terminator type of Questions and terminating Question flow rules remain applicable to IVR channel as well.
- Extracted is a special state used for customized exports. If a customized export is used, any expired, partial or terminated Survey is set to extracted at some point in time.
Questionnaire states for DIGI channel differ from other channels' states due to its specifics.
When a customer visits site/application with injected DIGI RS Script, but the pop-up window isn't displayed due to the Survey settings, the Questionnaire for this customer is considered created. This state is also called visited on the Survey statistics page for DIGI Channel.
When a DIGI pop-up window or Survey activate button was shown to a visitor of a site/application with injected DIGI RS Script, the Questionnaire is considered to be triggered or invited.
If a customer started answering the Questionnaire and at least one response was provided, the Questionnaire is considered to be started. This Questionnaire state is available only if Is survey StepByStep option in Survey settings is set to Yes.
You can learn more about DIGI Channel Survey specific settings here.
When a customer answers all the required Questions in the Questionnaire and clicks the Submit button, the Questionnaire state is set to completed. In IVR channel a Questionnaire where a customer reaches the last question (no matter the answer was provided or not) becomes completed except the case when a call was dropped at the last Question (terminated state).
In case a customer closes the DIGI pop-up window (by clicking on a Close icon) and there are no answered questions, it is considered to be terminated.
Note: The metadata that was linked to the terminated questionnaire will be deleted due to the privacy rules.
If a customer hasn't completed a Questionnaire and closed the DIGI pop-up window or the Questionnaire gets expired, it is considered to be partial.
When the expiration period for the Questionnaire in a "triggered" state is met, it is considered expired.
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