If the questionnaire expiration date hits and the survey doesn't have any questions answered at that point in time then it's considered expired. At the same time, if the survey either started or at least one question is answered the questionnaire is not answered fully and the expiration date hits then the questionnaire is considered partial.
For additional information on questionnaire states please click here.
Let's say the survey expiration date is set to 72 hours.
Considering the example above:
- The questionnaire expiration counter will start when the questionnaire gets "Invited" state. For example, a questionnaire gets the "Created" state at 1:00 PM, but for some configured custom delay (time slots, queue speed, etc...) got the "Invited" state only at 1:30 PM, in this case, 72 hours will count from 1:30 PM.
- There are two scenarios in which the state of the questionnaire will be assigned when the expiration time is hitting.
- The "Expired" state will be assigned after 72 hours if the questionnaire, never opened the invitation, or never answered any of the questions in the survey.
- The "Partial" state will be assigned after 72 hours if the invitation was opened the survey has started, and one answer or more was given but doesn't hit the final state.
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