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Note: "Survey Settings" tab is called "Advanced Settings" on Global Settings page.
Advanced Settings for DIGI channel allow customizing alert email template and settings, whitelist, quarantine rules as well as some other channel-specific options and survey's look & feel.
For Survey inheritance behavior, please see this article.
Channel-specific options
General settings
HTML ID for Survey activate button
This parameter allows specifying a unique identification value (text id) of your survey button to be used afterward if you would like to customize look and feel of Survey activate button with some custom CSS rules.
Please note: “HTML ID for Survey activate button” can be used only if the field “Activate by button” is checked to “Yes”.
Is survey StepByStep
This setting allows you to choose whether to display a survey to an end-user as a whole list of questions or one question at a time (as in regular e-mail surveys).
If Yes is chosen: end-user will be prompted to answer one question at a time.
If No is chosen: end-user will be displayed a whole list of available questions to answer.
Is survey ChatMode
This option is available only if the survey StepbyStep is activated. It allows customizing the design of the pop-up to look like a chat. The next question will appear only if the previous was answered creating a simulation of the "chat". The answers and questions will be seen on top of the "conversation", unlike the usual StepByStep where every new page show only one question.
Activate by button
This field stands for an option to show (or not) your survey as a button right after a certain condition was triggered. A survey button will be shown on the page and after clicking on it a survey window is popped up. Otherwise, if this option is set to “No” a triggered survey will be popped up and expanded to a survey window immediately.
Save the web URL where the user been invited
This field allows specifying if the exact URL of the page the user was invited to participate in a survey on should be saved as an additional metadata field.
DIGI pop-up triggers
A Trigger is a type of a condition, by meeting which a start of a survey (pop-up window) will be initiated.
Note: please pay attention that at least one trigger condition have to be set up for a survey to trigger a survey pop-up/button.
Unite triggers via condition ( OR/AND )
One of the conditions can unite the three following options into a specific general condition to trigger the survey. For OR condition one of the requirements must be met. For AND condition all declared requirements must be met.
Affected options (requirements) are: Visited Counter, Number of pages visited, Probability of appearence (0-100%).
Note: in case Global Settings has "Unite triggers via condition ( OR/AND )" = OR, and in the specific survey "Unite triggers via condition ( OR/AND )" = AND, any greyed out value for Visited Counter, Number of pages visited, Probability of appearence (0-100%) that is taken from Global Settings will be also taken into consideration. This is a know issue that will be fixed.
Visits Counter
Visits Counter allows you to set the number of visits to your site for an end-user to be displayed a survey after.
A “survey visit” is considered to be a number of page loadings initiated by the end-user’s browser within one session.
The counting continues while the user’s session exists (the user’s browser wasn’t closed).
Example: you have set your Visits Counter to 10. That means, that after a user’s browser will load any pages of your site 9 times, on the 10th time he/she will be displayed a survey.
Number of pages visited
Within this trigger field, you can set up a number of visited pages in one session after triggered counter on which a survey pop-up will be shown to a customer.
Probability of appearance (1-100%)
You can limit the number of times to show survey pop-up on your site to an end-user with a special option called “Probability of appearance”.
Based on a random generator, it will display a pop-up window to an end-user with a certain amount of probability in order to avoid the impression of spamming your customers.
Example: you've got your Probability of appearance rate set to 80, your pop-up survey will be displayed to an end-user of your website only in 80% of total possible occasions.
Session timeout (in seconds)
Here you can specify how many seconds after a customer has entered your website, a survey pop-up has to be shown to him/her.
Example: you've set your Session timeout trigger to 360 seconds. This means that a customer will be shown a pop-up after 6 minutes (360 seconds) of browsing your site.
Page timeout (in seconds)
With this parameter configured, the survey will show up only to those customers that spent a certain amount of time (set in this field) on one of the pages of your site.
Example: You’ve set a Page timeout for your survey to 180 seconds. If an end-user visits any page of your site and stays on it for more, than 180 seconds, he/she will be shown a survey pop-up window.
Show to the user who is trying to leave the page
With this parameter set to Yes a DIGI pop-up window will be displayed to a user who tries to leave the page with the DIGI Runner Script injected.
'Leave page' trigger turn-on delay (in seconds)
Allows to trigger pop-up survey in case the visitor moving the cursor near closing button for a certain time (in seconds).
Example: the cursor is in the top right corner for 2 seconds = pop-up is triggered
An excluding triggers (blockers)
A Blocker is a type of a condition, that prevents a survey to start for a particular customer if any blocker condition was met.
Don't show survey for refusers (number of times)
Refusers in the scope of VoC Feedback and DIGI channel terminology are those end-users who refused to complete the survey and closed the survey pop-up.
This blocker parameter allows you to disable showing further survey pop-ups to a customer who refused (declined or closed) a popped up survey window for already N times.
Example: You have your “Don’t show survey for refusers (number of times)” blocker parameter to 3 (times). A user enters visits your site, sees a pop-up with a survey (the number of times a customer sees a survey is dependent on survey triggers mentioned above), and closes it 3 times. After the third time the user closes a pop-up, he/she won’t be shown it for a period specified in another blocker parameter mentioned below.
Don’t show survey for refusers (period in days)
With this blocker field, you can configure a number of days the pop-up survey won’t be shown to such users on.
Example: You’ve set a period of 14 days in the “Don’t show survey for refusers”. If a user closes the survey pop-up, he/she won’t be displayed this specific survey pop-up for 14 days.
Quiet time (in minutes)
Within this blocker field it can be specified during which time after the time stamp of last shown pop-up survey, a new pop-up will not be shown to this customer again.
Example: if you’ve set the value of your “Quiet time(in minutes)” blocker field to 1440 minutes, a new pop-up won’t be shown to the customer for 1140 minutes (or 24 hours).
Note: number of minutes that have passed since a "refuser" closed the pop-up is checked at the moment of questionnaire creation.
Theme settings
This is the place where you can customize the look and feel of your survey layout by specifying colors, fonts and, dimensions of a pop-up window and it's various parts.
The dimension settings are applicable for displaying on screens with width more than 1280px. Please note, that If a customer's screen width is less than 1280 px, the survey pop-up will be placed in the center of a customer's screen.
It is possible to choose DIGI theme from Global Settings - DIGI Themes to be used in a specific survey in order to avoid multiple layout creation for each and every DIGI survey:
Here's a quick overview of the dimensions settings for a pop-up:
Window width (px) | Customizable field for setting the width of a pop-up. |
Window height (px) | Customizable field for setting the height of a pop-up. |
Font family |
Fonts to be used for text labels, questions and messages in a survey pop-up. |
Activate button font-size |
Font-size that applies to the activation button that pop-ups the survey |
Indent (px) |
Indent between bottom and right sides of the pop-up and corresponding screen sides. |
With color settings, you can create your own color scheme for a survey pop-up: from different font colors options to the whole background color.
Settings presented on the image above are default and allows you to create a survey pop-up as on the following image:
CSS to customize Pop-up
In case the default settings presented in the Theme Settings section don't fulfill your needs, the CSS to customize Pop-up section will be of help. It allows to apply additional CSS styles to the DIGI pop-up window, that will override the default values of the DIGI pop-up.
Custom CSS code added in this section of the Survey Settings tab will override custom CSS code that was applied in the Global settings of the VoC Feedback and will be overridden by the CSS code added in the Language Settings tab.
Please note: in order for custom CSS styles to apply correctly and not to be ignored by the system, make sure to nest your CSS code within .modal_SandSIV_Template
Allows specifying which CUSTOMER_ID values should be excluded from the quarantine checks. If you specify a CUSTOMER_ID value in this field and then trigger a DIGI Channel survey for it, the quarantine rules for this CUSTOMER_ID will not be applied.
For more information about quarantine and how it works please see this article.
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