Tip: Use Ctrl+F and search for the name of the option you would like to learn more about
Note: "Survey Languages" tab is called "Language Settings" on Global Settings page.
Language Settings tab for WEB channel allow to customize email invites sent for WEB channel Questionnaires and also provide ways to customize VoC Feedback Survey Answering system.
Survey Languages tab for WEB channel allows to customize email invites and survey response system in a language-specific way.
For Survey Settings inheritance behavior please see this article.
Invitation email
Invitation email is sent when a customer is invited to a Survey and if that survey is in active state.
Detailed settings information
Invitation email - Static Survey Link - Language Specific
Allows you to create a random and individual Static link in order to test the Survey by yourself or to send it without an email.
Invitation Email - Sender Name - Language specific
Allows to specify a language-specific Sender Name for your Invitation email. This setting, if specified, will be used as/will override the Sender Name from Advanced Settings.
Example: You can set up "Customer Experience" as Sender Name for English Questionnaires and "Kundenerfahrung" for German ones. If a customer is invited with EN language, the invite will be sent with "Customer Experience" as a Sender Name. If a customer is invited with DE language, the invite will be sent with "Kundenerfahrung" as a Sender Name.
Invitation Email - Sender Address - Language specific
Allows to specify a language-specific Sender Address for your Invitation email. This setting, if specified, will override the Sender Address from Global Settings for current language.
Example: You can set up "noreply@en.example.org" as Sender Name for English Questionnaires and "noreply@de.example.org" for German ones. If a customer is invited with EN language, the invite will be sent with "noreply@en.example.org" as a Sender Address. If a customer is invited with DE language, the invite will be sent with "noreply@de.example.org" as a Sender Address.
Please note that same rules about SPF checks are applied for the domains specified as Sender Address here. Please be careful and check the domain name thoroughly before using it.
Invitation Email - Subject
Allows to specify a language-specific subject of the Invitation email.
Example: You can set up "Please rate your experience" as a Subject for English Questionnaires and "Bitte bewerten Sie Ihre Erfahrungen" for German ones. If a customer is invited with EN language, the invite will be sent with "Please rate your experience" as a Subject. If a customer is invited with DE language, the invite will be sent with "Bitte bewerten Sie Ihre Erfahrungen" as a Subject.
Please note that you can use metadata values from import files in Email Subject, e.g. "{{questionnaire | meta:"NAME"}} {{questionnaire | meta:"SURNAME"}}, please let us know what you think about our company" will expand to "John Doe, please let us know what you think about our company" if "NAME" and "SURNAME" values exist for this Questionnaire in the Import file.
You can also use a feature to fall back to a default value in case you don't have metadata values for each customer like this: "{{questionnaire | meta:"NAME" | default: "Dear"}} {{questionnaire | meta:"SURNAME" | default: "Customer"}}, please let us know what you think about our company" will expand to "Dear Customer, please let us know what you think about our company" if both "NAME" and "SURNAME" values are not present for this customer in the Import file.
Invitation Email - HTML version
Allows to specify a language-specific layout of the Invitation email.
HTML is supported as supplied by our customers. Please note that you need to test the layout in various email clients first before sending out the survey invites. Please contact a relevant department in your company in case you need to get the email layouts for your surveys.
Example: You can specify localized versions of your HTML invite layout for different languages. If a customer is invited with EN language, the invite will be sent with an English version of a layout as specified. If a customer is invited with DE language, the invite will be sent with a German version of a layout as specified.
Invitation Email - Plain Text version
Allows to specify a language-specific plain text version of the Invitation email.
Certain older email clients or certain clients set up in a specific way don't display HTML content of emails by default. We recommend to supply plain text version of emails to reach to a wider audience of customers.
Example: You can specify localized versions of plain text version of your email invite for different languages. If a customer is invited with EN language, the invite will be sent with an English version of an invitation text as specified. If a customer is invited with DE language, the invite will be sent with a German version of an invitation text as specified.
Invitation Email - Label Survey Link
This setting is used in conjunction with {{questionnaire.url}}
placeholder. It allows to customize the text which will be tagged with the link to the Survey.
Example: First, you need to make sure you use the {{questionnaire.url}}
placeholder in a way that semantically makes sense in your email invite.
You can then set up "Start the survey" as a Label Survey Link for English questionnaires and "Starten Sie die Umfrage" for German ones. If a customer is invited with EN language, the {{questionnaire.url}}
placeholder will expand to a direct Survey link with text "Start the survey". If a customer is invited with DE language, the {{questionnaire.url}}
placeholder will expand to a direct Survey link with text "Starten Sie die Umfrage".
To better illustrate this consider the following example. Given the following settings for EN language:
The email you will receive:
Invitation Email - Label Unsubscribe Link
This setting should contain {{questionnaire.unsubscribe_link}}
placeholder used in the email invitation text (both HTML and plain text). It allows you to put the Unsubscribe Link into the email.
For more information on how to set up and maintain blacklist with the {{questionnaire.unsubscribe_link}}
link please see this article.
Example: Given <a style="color: ##7f7f7f; text-decoration: none" href="{{questionnaire.unsubscribe_link}}" target="_blank">unsubscribe here</a>
is supplied as Label Unsubscribed Link, in the email invitation text will expand to a link called unsubscribe here
which will contain a link for a customer to unsubscribe from further Survey invites.
Please note: in certain countries it is required by law to include a possibility for a customer to unsubscribe from email correspondence.
Reminder email
Reminder email is sent when the conditions of reminder email settings for Survey (or in Global Settings) are met. Reminder emails might help you boost the response rate of the Survey by reminding a customer to start the Survey or complete the survey they didn't fully answer to.
Detailed settings information
Reminder Email - Subject
Allows to specify a language-specific subject of the Reminder email.
Example: You can set up "Please rate your experience" as a Subject for English Questionnaires and "Bitte bewerten Sie Ihre Erfahrungen" for German ones. If a customer is invited with EN language, the reminder will be sent with "Please rate your experience" as a Subject. If a customer is invited with DE language, the reminder will be sent with "Bitte bewerten Sie Ihre Erfahrungen" as a Subject.
Please note that you can use metadata values from import files in Subject, e.g. "{{questionnaire | meta:"NAME"}} {{questionnaire | meta:"SURNAME"}}, please let us know what you think about our company" will expand to "John Doe, please let us know what you think about our company" if "NAME" and "SURNAME" values exist for this questionnaire in the Import file.
You can also use a feature to fall back to a default value in case you don't have metadata values for each customer like this: "{{questionnaire | meta:"NAME" | default: "Dear"}} {{questionnaire | meta:"SURNAME" | default: "Customer"}}, please let us know what you think about our company" will expand to "Dear Customer, please let us know what you think about our company" if both "NAME" and "SURNAME" values are not present for this customer in the Import file.
Reminder Email - HTML version
Allows to specify a language-specific subject of the reminder email.
HTML is supported as supplied by our customers. Please note that you need to test the layout in various email clients first before sending out the reminder emails. Please contact a relevant department in your company in case you need to get the email layouts for your surveys.
Example: You can specify localized versions of your HTML reminder email layout for different languages. If a customer is invited with EN language, the reminder will be sent with an English version of a layout as specified. If a customer is invited with DE language, the reminder will be sent with a German version of a layout as specified.
Please note: labels are derived from Invitation email tab.
Reminder Email - Plain Text version
Allows to specify a language-specific plain text version of the Reminder email.
Certain older email clients or certain clients set up in a specific way don't display HTML content of emails by default. We recommend to supply plain text version of emails to reach to a wider audience of customers.
Example: You can specify localized versions of plain text version of your reminder email for different languages. If a customer is invited with EN language, the reminder will be sent with an English version of an invitation text as specified. If a customer is invited with DE language, the reminder will be sent with a German version of an invitation text as specified.
Please note: labels are derived from Invitation email tab.
Landing page options allow to customize system messages which are shown to a customer in various cases.
Detailed settings information
Landing page - Survey is expired
This is a language-specific message a customer is shown if they clicked the link to a Survey but the Questionnaire is in expired state (enough days passed for the Survey to expire).
This message is also displayed when the survey is in stopped or deleted state no matter which state the Questionnaire for current customer is in. For more information, please see this article.
Landing Page - Survey completed (Thank you page)
This is a language-specific message a customer is shown if:unsubscribe
- they finish the Survey by reaching the end of the Survey (no more Questions to ask);
- if the Question flow End Survey
conditions are met
If shown, this message is displayed only once. On consequent attempts to open the Questionnaire by link a message from Landing Page - Clicked the survey link of a completed/terminated survey is shown.
This message is not shown if:
- Finish Survey is the final Question in the Survey;
- a Question flow exists to jump to Finish Survey Question and its conditions are met.
In these cases Question text of Finish Survey Question is displayed.
Landing Page - Survey terminated (by button or flow condition)
This is a language-specific message a customer is shown when the Questionnaire is put to terminated state which happens if:
- a customer finishes the survey by reaching the Terminator TerminateQuestion;
- if the Question flow Terminate Survey conditions are met (i.e. if you have a Question flow set to terminate the Survey and its condition is true);
- if the Terminate button is enabled and was clicked by a customer
Landing Page - Clicked the survey link of a completed/terminated survey
This is a language-specific message a customer is shown for the Survey which was terminated or completed (see above for the first messages in each case).
This message is shown on consequent attempts to access the survey link after the text from Landing Page - Survey completed (Thank you page) was displayed after the survey was finished. This behavior includes surveys which were ended with Finish Survey question.
Landing Page - Clicked unsubscribe Link
This is a language-specific message a customer is shown if they clicked an unsubscribe link in the email invitation.
Survey template
Survey template options allow customizing certain elements of Survey Answering system.
Detailed settings information
Survey Template - Label Back Button
This is a language-specific name of the button which returns a customer to a previous Question in a Survey.
If none is set, a generic name "Back button" is used for the element.
Survey Template - Label Next Button
This is a language-specific name of the button which opens next Question in a Survey.
If none is set, a generic name "Submit" is used for the element.
Survey Template - Label Terminate Button
This is a language-specific name of the button which allows to terminate a Survey.
If none is set, a generic name "Terminate button" is used for the element.
Example: Given settings are displayed in the screenshot above and if the Back and Terminate buttons are enabled in Global Settings, this is how the row of the buttons will look like in the basic layout:
Mobile template
Mobile templates options allow to customize certain elements of the mobile layout of Surveys
Detailed settings information
Mobile Survey Template - Label Next Button
This is a language-specific name of the button which opens next question in a Survey. If set, this setting overrides the value of Survey Template - Label Next Button in Survey template settings when a Mobile template is shown.
If none is set, the value is derived from Survey Template - Label Next Button
Mobile Survey Template - Title
This is a language-specific title of the Survey which is shown in the Mobile template.
If none is set, Survey name is shown instead.
Mobile Template - Generic error message
This is a language-specific error text which is shown in cases when Error text would be triggered in non-mobile version of Survey. For example, if you created a Question and specified some Error text message in the corresponding field, you will need to make sure to put a similar Error text message into this option as well for the mobile version.
If none is set, a generic "Seems like some entered data is wrong. Fix errors and try again." message is displayed.
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